Fail fast, learn fast


Again way out of time, I have my vivas and presentation lined up within few hours and here I am writing this piece of post!

But it has been quite delayed, life has moved quite a lot in between the time lags of this post and the prior one!
I have had a brilliant experience at GSA Summit in Pune that I will be talking about it in upcoming post hopefully, but here are just few insights that sneaked into my life and would like to share.

[My philosopher is again at work ! Can't help it ....uhh]

Hmm, so, one mistake that I committed and I find people around committing: Getting grouped. Restricting yourself to particular group of people for the sake of comfort, subtle-ness and security or assurity whatever. It may sound disastrous but don't do that.

Run wild free alone at times, so that you are open to all sorts of experiences that have been trying to hit you but this protective shield of yours wasn't letting them  do that. The more you explore, the more you get hurt, the more you learn and the more you feel better about you and your life , so get out of the comfort zone.

Try out all weird possibilities and combinations. Put yourself intentionally in positions or situations that are not usually you opt for. See how you behave out of your comfort zone and try to build on that.

Apart from having long term positive effects, I believe what this exercise provides is strength, strong intuition and belief. You get to learn a lot.

It may be weird, people around or at times you yourself would find it out of way, but do it, just do it once and see what happens.

Play around with all possible aspects of life instead of taking a safe and secure way to anything.
Also, in the process of doing that your close or dear ones may feel that you are perturbed or out of your wits :P Take that lightly, These people still mean the same to you , it's just that you want to explore more and just can't restrict yourself to already introduced set of humans.

So this week, run wild!


[Lemme get back to the presentation thing now :| ]
And yes, one more thing the title may feel quite irrelevant, it's just a line I wished to share :P


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