Is the gap really wide???

Okay so before you penetrate into further levels of what this article is really meant for…let me simplify your job by briefing down the central concept (I always love the ones given at the back of novels!! They have saved my time a lot! ;))
Just imagine a situation!
Grandfather and son conversation:
Son: Hi gp!!
GP: Hi dude! Anyways just pass on my lappy ,I wanna chck out mah fb account!
Sounds strange…eh?!

Well it should because this is not in slightest  resemblance of any grandparent’s behavior we have seen in the society recently up….but just work a little on the dynamics of the society and try to shift it to about  50 years ahead when most of us would take up the latter’s role!!
Yeah!! Just imagine what kind of senior society would we people build in? One full of fb, twitter and other social networking sites (as is evident from our current situation) or will we really become mature enough to shed off these worldly allures? (Sarcasm)

Generation gap is a very common term and exists in all subsequent generations but the question is : Does the generation gap which currently exists really  incredibly wide enough to be debated several times , in several forms, at different levels around the world ?

Generation gap mainly exists due to split in opinions and viewpoints! And these are greatly affected by  the number and domain of platforms we have for exchange of views which have hyperbole exponentially in our generation…we are the ones who have witnessed technological advancement from “pager”  to  “WhatsApp”! These advancements have drastically changed our lifestyles! So most of us are people who don’t really wish to start the day early with a prayer but end it as late as possible with a varied genre of songs plugged into ears! (my current situation).We are the ones who are flexible enough to incorporate or absorb ideas across the world to develop a more general viewpoint! Well these traits are in sharp contrast to the kind of traits currently seen in “senior citizens”!

The current daily usage of internet has become an indispensable part of a life…we are as consistent with it as earlier people were for daily newspaper, so these things definitely not gonna vanish from our lives at any point of our life! So how would it be? Well,the discussion is purely fictitious for it lacks time and scientific frame reference…..

We don’t know…..anything can happen…something more interesting can take over us….or might be our internal spirituality rise up and we will shed all these….or might be till that time we may get too fed up to continue using it(rare :P)…lets see,…
Left for your imagination now…what kind of grandparent would you become ? ;) :P


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