Guarantee above 85% in boards along with selection!!! - Great
It was this evening, I was travelling in car when suddenly after the creaky FM Station cacophony boomed an advertisement on my eardrums : "Send your child to us and we guarantee above 85% in 12 boards along with selection in entrance exams!!!" Wow! Sounds great! What a deal!
What a clear exploitation of parents' "expectation" trend of current India! This is a quite vigilant dialog in Indian households :"Kid, you have to secure above 90% at any cost, look at your neighbors/elders/cousins, they have done so well!"
This basic notion, I can never understand! Just for the sake of holding up an illusionary sense of pride and dignity that too for a momentarily epoch, that too in front of those people who mean nothing to your life, how can you ruin your child's life?
Every person on this earth is talented, its just that they need some honing and time to be identified! You just can't push your child into a field he/she is good at (for your sake) and make them leave the ones they are "best"! I am talking about the general mob of students who are day and night facing the terrible pressure of performing good! We are through this mechanized system developing scholars, but very weak persons indeed! Being snatched of common sense and curiosity, these brains just know how to perform mathematical calculations but don't know what is the motivation behind doing so and it is not their fault , they have been "mechanized" so by the institutes at which their parents have spent a lot of money just to turn their active kid into passive machine!
Why this game? The entire system needs to be uprooted! Let the children flourish in the way they are! Give them an open environment to grow! Let them choose their own fields!
Just look at what happens once they enter the "prestigious science field", just ask any engineer on road today, eight out of ten would say they realize now they never wanted to be engineers! and that is true! It was just the flow of time, barbecued under the flames of parent's expectations which made them choose this field, most of them realize they can be good artists, singers, poets, models, sportsperson indeed ! And the world truly needs all these people! Science is not an extra-ordinary subject nor does it guarantees that you are intellectually smart! It is just a field of study like the others! and all fields are equally significant! Follow your passion!
Parents need to realize and stop selling their child's freedom to coaching institutes which guarantee good percentage, they tend to stretch the pressure limits on students beyond their tolerance limit, it may break them! Guarantee sounds good, makes you feel relaxed, institutes also earn their penny but the students suffer the indispensable, inevitable load! Don't commit such harm to your own souls! Even the government should ban such institutes on inhumane grounds!

The entire propaganda (I would use the word because of the mythical trends associated with study today), should be stopped, the irritating columns of newspapers publishing the names of the children securing good percentage in boards, along with their parents' names and their fake hobby , should be stopped! If these are published then even those students good at guitar/coding/dancing /debating /sports or any other field should be published. This showbizness leads to the formation of general perception of the society which needs to be hampered at this crucial stage!
So just throw the fliers "guaranteeing your success " in dust-bins, only you can define yours success!
Just say NO to any one telling you what to do, ask yourself what you want to be and follow that direction and remember "It is never too late!" :)
What a clear exploitation of parents' "expectation" trend of current India! This is a quite vigilant dialog in Indian households :"Kid, you have to secure above 90% at any cost, look at your neighbors/elders/cousins, they have done so well!"
This basic notion, I can never understand! Just for the sake of holding up an illusionary sense of pride and dignity that too for a momentarily epoch, that too in front of those people who mean nothing to your life, how can you ruin your child's life?
Every person on this earth is talented, its just that they need some honing and time to be identified! You just can't push your child into a field he/she is good at (for your sake) and make them leave the ones they are "best"! I am talking about the general mob of students who are day and night facing the terrible pressure of performing good! We are through this mechanized system developing scholars, but very weak persons indeed! Being snatched of common sense and curiosity, these brains just know how to perform mathematical calculations but don't know what is the motivation behind doing so and it is not their fault , they have been "mechanized" so by the institutes at which their parents have spent a lot of money just to turn their active kid into passive machine!
Why this game? The entire system needs to be uprooted! Let the children flourish in the way they are! Give them an open environment to grow! Let them choose their own fields!
Just look at what happens once they enter the "prestigious science field", just ask any engineer on road today, eight out of ten would say they realize now they never wanted to be engineers! and that is true! It was just the flow of time, barbecued under the flames of parent's expectations which made them choose this field, most of them realize they can be good artists, singers, poets, models, sportsperson indeed ! And the world truly needs all these people! Science is not an extra-ordinary subject nor does it guarantees that you are intellectually smart! It is just a field of study like the others! and all fields are equally significant! Follow your passion!
Parents need to realize and stop selling their child's freedom to coaching institutes which guarantee good percentage, they tend to stretch the pressure limits on students beyond their tolerance limit, it may break them! Guarantee sounds good, makes you feel relaxed, institutes also earn their penny but the students suffer the indispensable, inevitable load! Don't commit such harm to your own souls! Even the government should ban such institutes on inhumane grounds!

The entire propaganda (I would use the word because of the mythical trends associated with study today), should be stopped, the irritating columns of newspapers publishing the names of the children securing good percentage in boards, along with their parents' names and their fake hobby , should be stopped! If these are published then even those students good at guitar/coding/dancing /debating /sports or any other field should be published. This showbizness leads to the formation of general perception of the society which needs to be hampered at this crucial stage!
So just throw the fliers "guaranteeing your success " in dust-bins, only you can define yours success!
Just say NO to any one telling you what to do, ask yourself what you want to be and follow that direction and remember "It is never too late!" :)
"Follow your passion!"- like you quoted, this is the finest line one can and in fact should imbibe. But, hey why do you mind giving fame to those hard-working fellows who do scored well?
ReplyDeleteIts true that some frantic people work for the sake of mere fame, in many case also household pressure rather than interest so what poor people out there worked very hard and we should accolade that hard word with some reward.
I shouldn't probably say this but fortunately, I managed to score well in boards and it really felt good when I was interviewed in news-papers and television (Not that I worked hard for this fame).
Who knows looking at some bright student radiating positive energy, someone else gets motivated to do something in his/her life too.
I know the feeling one gets when one's efforts are rewarded and rewarded well! But here we need to shed off individual perspectives and look on a broader view, on society as a whole!
ReplyDeleteThe issue is not that names of academicians are published but it's about the extent and duration for which this is done. The newspapers during this results-out phase is full of passport size photographs of toppers, now this bulk publication leads to two things:
Firstly, this extensive coverage exponentially increases the tension of already pressurized students, further graving up their situation, and the situation at times becomes hard to handle. And the number of such people are more, this creates unnecessary psychological stress.
Secondly, bulk printing of toppers passport size photographs is not good way to recognize well an individual's efforts, what would be a good way instead would be to rather have the detailed interviewed printed in monthly newspaper magazine! Especially the bulk advertisement by coaching institutes should be regulated!
Well, like two sides of coin you have got a point too and I wouldn't say anything more about it or else your blog will have debate rather than comments. Nicely pressed :)