The "Virtual World"
"Realistic things and facts are always interesting but when
life holds so much mystery slight fiction may really turn things around!"
Anyways back to my normal stuff...lets open the "destined tabs"
of my browser: Google+ , Facebook, institute's mail etc.
Oh the wonderful web and the marvelous networking it offers ! Best
way to explore the extend our know people around the
world and exchange random views....
The virtual world really fascinates me! You come to know about so
many great and passionate people, philosophers...
It happened once, I viewed profile of a really awesome personality
named Stephen Mathews (he +1'd my G+ post and added me to his circles, so
I was curious)..
After loading of the entire
page, a hazy and dim cover pic appeared, I was not able to figure out what it
actually was, and the profile pic was also a bit "too" interesting,
precisely a diffused smoky image which looked like a photographic negative of a
man's face on a black background. Anyways, the person appeared to me a really
artistic one...
I continued viewing his profile, it was written "Passionate
writer"...mentioned hobbies were travelling, writing and meeting new
people! Graduated from "University of Sylvania"!
Seems too good to me! Such philosophers with artistic bend of mind
always tend to inspire me!
One by one I went through the posts he shared, too much depth in
one such person, I sensed that the person was really mature and had gone
through several experiences of life! A feeling of inspiration and regards along
with a tinge of fascination popped into me for this person....
And ah what was that! ... the funky ringtone of my mobile broke
down the eerie silence in the room!
A friend of mine was calling me for dinner...
I signed out and the rest of the day went just like that, since
then I was mostly preoccupied with some or the other important work and rarely
had chance to open any of the social networking sites, and even if I did that
was mostly for work-purposes.
Days passed by, my friends and I were working on a really exciting
project of image processing for quite a few days as a part of
international-competition , though chances of us getting selected were
rare but we were engrossed in making the project a success, our hopes were
It was just yet another dining time when my friend ran to me, told
us something which followed by
bursts of laughter and excitement..."Yes, we made it", we were
selected and were called to give presentation in a foreign university. After some
time when the excitement settled down a bit, I read the selection-mail, it was written
in the end "University of Sylvania is waiting for you!"....I was
happy but then I reread the name "University of Sylvania" and it
stroke a nerve in my head, taking me back to the day when I viewed the
profile of Stephen Mathews, he was living around there only. A feeble hope of
meeting him sparked in my eye.
Soon the day of our presentation arrived. After a few
"rush-rush" hours of packing and taking the flight, we finally
stepped into the was beautiful! We were really excited and
somewhat dumbstruck by its awesome beauty too.
Thanks to God, our presentation went really nice, people genuinely
liked it.
There were lots of talented people around there, among them some
University students became our good friends, we asked them to guide us through
their magnificent campus.
Beautiful, historic, antique architecture! Such a pleasure to
eyes! We finally stepped into the wide entrance hall, there were large wooden
boards hung around with the names of passed-out scholars written in glittering
gold. I just gave a glance but one name sought my attention and for a moment I
was fixed then and there with my eyes glued to that one name "Stephen
Mathews" curiosity level was getting out of bounds which finally
busted out in form of a loud question "He is a great lad, do you know
him?". He in-turn replied, who doesn't? Very famous person he was, a
genius, a philosopher , a great personality! I was literally nodding my head in
agreement. "Have you met him?" I was really looking forward if by any
chance I could meet this person. He replied gravely "No! I wanted to but
he died 4 years ago!"
For a second I thought my ears have made a mistake! I reassured by
repeating "He died!?!!" and he nodded his head.
I was dumbstruck! Now if this person has died who the hell
is posting on my G+ account? I was feeling as if I was experiencing deja vu. A
strange feeling was running across my spine. Whose posts did I re-share? Who is
posting about his experiences in the university, sharing his upcoming projects?
For the sake of convincing myself I was now trying to opt for all
crude realistic alternatives, might be his account is hacked! Or it might be
possible that someone else with a same profile existed....but then that was
next to impossible, in no case can the profiles, behavior and thoughts of any
two persons match totally!
All these questions were hovering over my mind, all six senses
were engaged in finding out the truth!
Nobody in my friends had the person added on their accounts, even
he had very few people added to his circles....all these observations were now
making me afraid, how is this possible?

I was afraid and didn't realize when we reached back to our place.
After the normal goodbye talks I walked through the echoing corridor and
stepped into my silent room.
I opened up my G+ account, there were few pending
was from Stephen Mathews, wiith shaking fingers I clicked to open it, it read
"Did you like my university?" My soul froze ,I was left in awe!
Very good, A bit of Edger Alan in here I think.
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